Behavioral Research Blog

Annelies Verkerk

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Two ways to learn more about medical simulation and debriefing

Posted by Annelies Verkerk on Apr 3, 2017

Training is crucial in almost every profession, but in healthcare education it is indispensable. Using simulation-based training began in flight simulators; new pilots cannot fly a real craft without successfully completing training sessions in a flight simulator. In medical education, simulation-based training has also taken off.

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Topics: The Observer XT, medical encounter, Viso, medical simulation, simulation-based training, team training, nursing science

Three examples of nurse-patient interaction research

Posted by Annelies Verkerk on Mar 21, 2017

Behavioral observation has become a fundamental component of medical practice and a primary source of clinical research data. The use of video technology in nurse-patient interaction research offers important advantages to scientists in unraveling complex behavior patterns and finding relationships between behaviors, nutrition, effectiveness of interventions, and more.

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Topics: The Observer XT, doctor patient interaction, medical encounter, coding schemes, media recorder, healthcare, Viso, coding behavior, healthcare education, medical simulation, health effects, nursing science

Consumer behavior: do we enjoy the buffet to its fullest potential?

Posted by Annelies Verkerk on Mar 13, 2017

There are parts of the world where people eat primarily for pleasure, and less so to fulfil nutritional needs. In my eyes, that is a sign of prosperity and wealth. In these areas, there is more than enough to eat, and a wealth of different foods to choose from. But in these same parts of the world people are overweight, more and more diabetic, and suffering from cardiovascular diseases. So what is wealth, in terms of food? To address this, let’s zoom in on a consumer study that focuses on recognizing signs of fullness.

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Topics: The Observer XT, video observation, coding schemes, consumer behavior, consumer behavior research, video recording, Eating behavior, coding behavior, food, sensory science

Effectiveness of video feedback in education

Posted by Annelies Verkerk on Mar 1, 2017

Did you know that…

1. Did you know that…Many students experience stress when they have to participate in video feedback sessions, and some are even reluctant to participate? 

  • Two Norwegian researchers, Nilsen and Baerheim, found that some students experienced emotional distress before the start of the course. Their study shows the importance of reassurance and support in the process, and demonstrates the importance of carefully considering the design and execution of such educational programs.
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Topics: The Observer XT, Educational research, coding schemes, behavioral patterns, healthcare, Viso, video feedback, measuring behavior, coding behavior, healthcare education, teamwork

Video Recording used in Psychology

Posted by Annelies Verkerk on Feb 20, 2017

Much of psychology education deals with the challenge of how to effectively teach and evaluate skills professionals need in certain interactions. For example, think about conversational skills psychologists need in interactions such as a parent-child interaction, group discussion, or an individual counseling meeting. In these cases, the feedback given by the expert to the student is of crucial importance. However, having a teacher sit in on the interaction might have an unwanted effect on the situation at hand. What can we do to improve the learning experience of the student and make the process run as smoothly as possible for the teacher?

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Topics: Educational research, Viso, audio recording, video feedback, video recording, healthcare education

Looking back at some amazing events in 2016

Posted by Annelies Verkerk on Dec 27, 2016

The past year we’ve attended a lot of events, released many products, and worked together with great scientists. We look back at a fantastic year and will continue this positive flow in 2017.

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Topics: behavioral research, measuring behavior, conferences, 2016

The value of facial expression analysis in advertisements

Posted by Annelies Verkerk on Nov 7, 2016

I love Apple. I am a fan. I deny being an addict, which of course makes me one.

Very few brands achieve the status of being “lifestyle brands”. According to José Chavaglia Neto and José António Filipe from Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal, whose study I discuss in this blog post, consumers’ fascination for particular brands on the market is rising considerably. Therefore, companies are trying to consistently create a strong identification with their brand(s), what allows the company to add economic value because people will keep buying this particular brand. I bought a new iPhone, and couldn’t wait to show it to my friends and family. I did pay a lot of money for it…yet I keep buying Apple. I am truly a fan of their technology, brand, and style.

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Topics: emotion recognition, FaceReader, facial expression analysis, consumer behavior, consumer behavior research, emotions, consulting, facial expression recognition software

Marketing and market research blogs

Posted by Annelies Verkerk on Nov 1, 2016

You have never met such a colorful team as the Noldus Consulting Team of Noldus Information Technology.

They (we) go to conferences where there are wheel of fortune games and water-pong challenges in vendor booths, harbor cruise dinners and cocktail parties with all conference attendees, and fantastic conference swag to bring home. Marketing really is a different world!

It’s not all fun and games - they also have time to write brilliant blog posts about consumer behavior which are published on the Noldus Consulting website. Consumer behavior, and how consumers make choices, is of particular interest to our team; we’d like to share some popular posts on these topics here with you.

By clicking below, learn all about gamification in marketing, facial expression analysis, and the difference between self-report, qualitative research, and unobtrusive observations.

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Topics: FaceReader, consumer behavior, Neuromarketing, consumer behavior research, market insights, advertising, consulting

What is bringing consumer scientists to Berlin this month?

Posted by Annelies Verkerk on Oct 12, 2016

Coming up: consumer behavior research conference in Berlin

What is bringing consumer scientists from the US to Berlin this month? Is it Brexit? Is it the urge to investigate the differences between Spanish male and Dutch female online buying behaviors? Or is it because consumer scientists would like to investigate advertisement strategies in Italy and Sweden?

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Topics: consumer behavior, consumer behavior research, conferences, 2016

What emotions does an author inject into a book?

Posted by Annelies Verkerk on Sep 20, 2016

“A book is beauty. A book is a shelf, a wall, a home.” states Simon Jenkins, the Guardian. He informs us that the digital book has had its peak. Paper books are instead just what he says: a shelf, a wall, a home. But how do you shove your shelf, wall, or home into a suitcase and fly off to Florida? I’d rather put my Kindle in my handbag and have all the books I’d ever want to read with me.

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Topics: emotion recognition, on-site research, FaceReader, facial expression analysis, physiology, EEG, emotions

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